
Over my 4.5 years at tonik, I mainly worked as a product designer. But whenever there was a chance to flex my extra skills to help the company, I jumped at the opportunity. One of them was copywriting.
From 2021 to 2023, everything on the Internet about tonik was written (or at least edited) by yours truly. Here are my best pieces.

Instead of writing an intriguing headline, our competitors would rather state the obvious. "We are a design agency"; "We build digital products" — yeah, no shit.
To stand out, I emphasized tonik's unique approach to working with clients in a "show, don't tell" fashion.

To build credibility, I pitched the best projects from our portfolio.

Our skills are comprehensive. But for now, these top-level services are enough to grasp our know-how.

Encouraging people to join tonik was just as important as landing new clients. I showed what it's like to work here on a dedicated page that celebrates our culture.

Company values get a bad rap for being too vague. To make them stick, I used casual language and everyday examples.

We are FUN — and our memories together are here to prove it.

Always hiring
The job offers are easy to scan, but still with plenty of character.

Though I created a template that all the job offers followed, sometimes I went a little extra to make a buzz around the posting. Like when we were looking for someone to take care of our social media.

Opinions are our own
I managed our blog, where I wrote (or just edited) fourteen articles about our way of doing things. They're casual, relevant, and don't take SEO too seriously.

To stay in touch with our readers, I sent a newsletter every time I posted.

Case studies
There are eleven case studies that tell the stories of our best work. I highlighted our strategy and let the pretty designs do the "wow".

Measuring client satisfaction
To get feedback from our past clients, I gave up on a traditional NPS and went for something more human (and useful).

And for everything else you wanted to know about tonik, I (together with other managers) wrote and edited the company handbook.

Shout-out to the people who also worked on this project.
Kuba Kędzia
Patryk Sobczak
Maciej Żelaznowski
Jacek Janiczak
Damian Redecki